
Showing posts from September, 2000

Reference: All Folders (size breakdown, no individual lists, no download links)

    Reference: All Folders (size breakdown, no individual lists, no download links) No lists, no requests, no trades etc Might fill up drives with whole folders but not picking & packing, etc Everything just (barely) fits on 20TB drive. As mentioned in past blog posts, this is the upper limit, once it's full I will have to delete stuff to make room. this doesn't include video otherwise this is only for reference Updated 2025-01-22 DOWNLOADS / TORRENTS (pending)  88.2GB   (some are in their proper folders, some aren't) FM/Soundboard/IEM/ALD   2.39TB + 1.25TB    (list is very out of date, this one grows the fastest and also most likely to be purged in the future, contents from this not always duplicated in individual band folders, 2nd folder is stuff not added to list) List1 (ijwthstd masters)   2.20TB List2 ("mystery drive" ma...

The "Random" Folder within the 20TB Drive

I tried one of the recommended programs. This is the Random folder on the 20TB drive. Not taking requests and probably don't care to answer questions. It's OK not to look. Whole thing is 493GB Not my problem is the original uploader doesn't follow appropriate naming conventions. This is what I am talking about when mentioning the excessive drain on time, even for basic administrative functions. Now any obligation to deep dive this folder will have me riding the delete button. I created a folder called FAKE SOUNDBOARDS for all the shit in the SOUNDBOARD folder that's absolutely not. This isn't a dig at THE EDGE on G101 because more than a few people don't have the first clue what a soundboard recording is.  I might keep doing this but set the date for 2000 since I am just fucking around and in case you haven't noticed this ain't an on demand site. Name                      ...