Poptopia 1998 with The Fastbacks, The Muffs, Imperial Teen, The Negro Problem and Cockeyed Ghost

 POPTOPIA!  (I think this was a Poptopia event and most likely a free show)

(I think this was a Poptopia event and most likely a free show)

COCKEYED GHOST @ EL REY THEATRE  2/2/98  20:26 https://we.tl/t-eH0vv0abTn   ***new link with setlist and fixed index marks***
FASTBACKS @ EL REY THEATRE  2/2/98  53:03 https://we.tl/t-sIUjuZrrJe
THE NEGRO PROBLEM @ EL REY THEATRE  2/2/98  30:30 https://we.tl/t-daExrPh7K8
IMPERIAL TEEN @ EL REY THEATRE  2/2/98  47:18 https://we.tl/t-rFec8NVb3r
THE MUFFS @ EL REY THEATRE  2/2/98  44:46  https://we.tl/t-CNaIo90g1g 



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