More transfers on Friday? Possibly.



I started drafting this a few weeks ago but things keep changing. Feel free to disregard, if anything this is more of a diary / journal entry.

I was hoping to have a lot more transfers but there is so much stuff on my February list that wasn't posted in years past that I really wanted to listen to. When the choice is the Itchy Pissholes in Vegas and The Who I will usually choose The Who. And I really have to listen to it as a few had inherent and correctible flaws such as CD skips and were thus trashed. And attempts at upgrades get me the exact same thing. Just merely being a conduit for recordings I have no intention of listening to just doesn't work which is why other than the odd untracked master I am not sending anything out I haven't heard. I always intend to post full comments and review but never do.

Maybe next Friday I will have more as I recorded a few things and Vegas Anonymous keeps sending me stuff. Also found a treasure trove of untracked master recordings by some all time favorites on I really wanna hit. Will give the proper attributions when I post and you can go look for yourself. Today is kinda sparse as far as anniversary shows go and working on a few low priority transfers now as my mind is a bit too scattered to really immerse myself or even enjoy music too much right now.

In other news I have a lot of shows on my calendar but they just aren't fun for me in addition to being downright painful. Not to mention no more income but I gotta figure that part out. Maybe now that I (think) I am insured, at the moment, I should see about getting stuff looked at. The whole process is still somewhat of a mystery to me. Still continuing this out of habit and because I have no idea what to do with myself but watching political and world events unfold has me wondering if soon our basic concerns will mirror those of most people throughout history, hoping I will have plenty to eat and can avoid the ravages of disease and war.

Just lost a good friend who was a constant companion at Rolling Stones shows from 2002 to 2005 including winning us onstage seats for San Diego. I just sent him a package of DVD's and went ahead and threw in my Mick Jagger pic from the 2013 rehearsals. He said he wished he had one to go with his Keith pic and to me all this stuff that doesn't actually hold music is increasingly seen to me as just "junk." He likely never saw it.

He lived in Mexico but went to San Diego once a month to see the doctor, pick up meds and the mail. This time around they admitted him to the hospital and he sent the mail back with his driver unopened. He was having an angioplasty then sent to a nursing care facility. He called me from the hospital that day then went totally incommunicado. I had no way to contact his wife in Mexico but I had a dark feeling this was exactly what happened.

Also threw in one of maybe less than 10 recordings that absolutely cannot be released. Hopefully his family doesn't investigate the disc labeled with just the date without any any further info but if it leaks it's not mine and I know nothing, and you can talk to the attorney I just retained.

Then a few days ago my girlfriend had the exact same emergency procedure after passing out on my bathroom floor which also is having a disruptive effect. I really don't like disruptions. I just wanna listen to music, smoke weed, stuff my face and go to the park a few times a week so I don't get fat. Real simple wants and needs even if they exceed what's available to most of the population throughout human history. In other words continue to exist solely in the fantasy world I crafted for myself with reality making minimal intrusions.


















I have one transfer sorta done so as always there will be at least 1 show for New Music Friday. Mostly enjoying what I have, trying to listen to stuff off the anniversary list and quite a few podcasts / lectures / documentaries of interest are turning up. Some include Owen Hanson on SoftWhiteUnderbelly and Sarah Paine on the Dwarkest Patel podcast. Got a lot more cultural insight into Japan and WWII that was murky at best in the past. But I could listen to Sarah Paine talk until the end of time. And ever since Dark Alliance came out been very interested in the historical drug trade as an academic subject though the media market has been oversaturated thanks to Narcos chic.

Finally signed up for health insurance. We will see how long that lasts with the rapid reorganization of the federal government. I hadn't been to the doctor in almost 23 years now. Any concerns I would just ignore until they went away. I know that's an ill-advised strategy for someone now in his 50's. And I have a splinter in my foot I can't get out and got infected the last time I went for a hike. I mostly get around with my feet. Just walking everywhere is why I stayed at least seemingly healthy all these years. I just still don't understand how all this works. When the ACA passed I just sort of ignored it because I got so used to living with medical neglect, assumed it was going to be temporary and at the time couldn't see myself being able to afford to live a long time anyway, 

Now I did fill a 20TB drive for someone and though it's supposed to be a 1 click operation I spent the better part of a week rearranging and consolidating and deleting redundancies and syncing all 3 drives so it's the most organized my collection has been to date. Also took up a lot less space than anticipated so I filled it out with a lot of video.

Next up organizing all the video I will probably never watch. Also makes it easier to delete. This is digital, not the total dumpster fire my DVD collection is. I only use the term dumpster fire because in the end that's likely how they will be dealt with tho I won't rule out spending what's left of my savings getting some cheap real estate and building myself some pyramids. 

Made some lists. They are here somewhere but I deliberately buried them as they are for reference only, not making requests. If you find them, it's OK not to look. I might copy out the whole folders but won't pick and pack, dig out specific shows and the like. U.S. only. LOCKSS. Highly recommend the 4TB collection of all FM/SB/IEM. Was going to try to find every single one that ever existed in there but trying to keep track of all that and save recordings I would never even want to listen to is such a futile folly but if anyone else wants to try this is a good start.



No anniversary recordings on the list for today but maybe a few tomorrow including a very appropriate 2-DVD set.

I did resurrect my YouTube channel so now my favorites can be played from anywhere in the world. Seems though my favorites are the same as they were 25 years ago. Right now I am throttled by upload limits but the next might just be video of hiking in Tromso.

Only 1 show so far this year but going to try for something tonight. I was wobbling on Frank Black last night but after a 20TB hard drive was delivered and hooked up I rallied myself to go but couldn't find my gloves and decided to sit back down all in the space of about 5 minutes.

I have a few almost completed transfers I will try to finish and write up the info files for by Thursday night.

Have a somewhat appropriate 2-DVD set I will try to have posted tomorrow so keep your eyes peeled.









I cracked open the text file where I copied in all the anniversary dates and decided to listen to some overflow shows I never got to in years past and arrange at least the next few days. As usual only posting stuff that's been listened to and only if I feel like listening. The amount of garbage shows with CD skips and the like is pretty incredible. CD skips? Really? The fact that I am the only one who makes a note of this just confirms most of us are mindlessly feeding the OCD monkey clicking and downloading anything to file away in case they find a cure for death and want something to listen to in 500 years.

That and more than 3 bursts of DAT diginoise gets the recording deemed useless and the folder automatically deleted. Doubt I am resurrecting the method for good and definitely not redoing anything. If anything this might signal me demoting myself to passive listener. In the meantime, enjoy and reshare.

More transfers on Friday. I did go to the first show of 2025 Friday though the 2nd show (Dramarama) was just canceled as the venue folded. If I go to my friend's house and get the DVD of a Christmas show he filmed I will post it right away but who knows.

Please stop leaving repost requests. All I know is I now have at least 252 but I don't even read them. This was addressed in the "last call" post I made a year ago after these files were hosted for up to a year. A lot of this stuff isn't even being kept if I don't have plans to listen to again. But they are out there and by out there I mean not here. 














More Transfers On Friday, I have like 3 maybe.

Probably back to whatever new stuff every Friday and try to tidy up the collection a little more.

Got some interesting (to me) things from Anonymous Vegas. Working intermittantly on Vegas stuff I already had but also cosmetic stuff like fixing the fucked up naming conventions of some of my shows so I don't have to spend hours waiting for a search to complete to find The Forum, LA 06-17-75 Alice C.

Spent most of the past few days panicking inside because I had no idea what to get my the lovely lady for Christmas. I am atheist and I hate Christmas but still gotta. Last Christmas I got and framed a large Dave Grohl print from photographer Kevin Estrada. Check him out if you are ever in a pinch. (Okay I got it all figured out since I drafted this post but still). Her father doesn't know I exist after even 2 1/2 years so I am excluded from any family gatherings. She's slightly older than me if you are wondering. No family left here to speak of and where they ended up is in a state of constant chaos that I just avoid.

Been only marginally functional ever since I got back from Norway and since I decided to end the THC reset with the David Gilmour show I have been mostly a vegetable. Good thing I still don't actually need a job, yet but would rather cut down on shows and activity than have to juggle that with something resembling gainful employment. Maybe I can hang on a few more years assuming I don't get the dreaded notice (I rent in a building falling apart around me surrounded my million plus dollar houses and luxury buildings).

At least November and December were somewhat entertaining news months.

Free Luigi!

* * *

 I guess this means I will be back on Friday with any new transfers I might have done. Which ain't much.


* * * * 


I will be back next Friday with at least the uncompleted projects I was trying to get up the other day. I didn't go to a single show in the last week period. I have a bunch on my calendar but other than the Prima Donna show I bought a ticket for, who knows what I will end up hitting. I just got a text from the dearly neglected saying "we should go see Billie Eilish" but I think she was one and done for me at least until she hits the corndog circuit. I might take her down there, find her a ticket and turn her loose inside like I did for the Foo Fighters Santa Barbara show but not spending "real money" on my ticket.

I also notice stuff on the blog disappearing beneath the fold - when you click "more posts" at the bottom of the first page, it cuts out a huge chunk of content. Like 6-10 entries. I tried changing the amount of posts per page but not sure what else I can do. Just be sure to check in every Friday.

Just moved my Elvis Costello folder out of the Music Archive to a discard folder on a different drive so the culling process has begun.





May have at least a few transfers done. Never went out at all in the last week. Decided I didn't want to pay $75 (or beg for a cheap ticket) to run room to room at the L7 Fast And Frightening Fest to catch as much as possible when all I really wanted to see was Flames Of Durga and The Paranoyds.

Mostly just smoking weed and geeking out on my music or just spinning my wheels but I can throw down a few track markers in the morning. Maybe I need a new project I can be excited about.



Back on Friday with any new transfers I might have done.

I might trickle out some DVD's I wanna clear off my hard drive as time allows. Or not. I am kind of at a loss what to do with all my video. I have way too much. I was always battling that scarcity mindset that comes from only having access to The Song Remains The Same in the 1980's and good quality video was expensive and very hard to come by until the DVD trade era in the early 2000's. Now I am completely buried under it. So I gotta keep trying to free myself and make myself more selective. But what really irks me is people sitting on things with that 1990's mindset when they are only a few years out from it being completely worthless. Because anyone who wanted to see it is already dead.

Thinking of selling off some hard drives. Not as a profit point but to consolidate into some bigger drives. "Losing" things with all the small drives I have laying all over place even with a 10 slot hub. Thinking of replacing my 10TB internal drive with a 20-22TB for starters.

Also wondering what the hell to do with all these DATs and spindles of discs I don't want anymore.


  1. very polite of you to mention. Most folk just go silent for a while, then reappear. Thank you. Your courtesy is a positive aspect of the headspace this hobby is taking up, methinks.

  2. Hope you can upload those Ramones shows. By the way, can you upload please ALL your Ramones shows one more (last) time? I used to have them, but I lost them :(((

    1. I don't even have all my Ramones shows

    2. What a pity... By the way, I downloaded ALL the Ramones/related shows. Thanks a million for that, Christian from Argentina (Ramones second home)

  3. I'd be interested in the DATs - but I'm in the UK and postage alone makes this most likely an untenable solution

  4. for your dats & cd-rs, you can always sell them for $1+postage on ebay (by packs otherwise it will become another chore). or if you want to finance your new hdd, put them on bid. with all you have shared, you are allowed to do this lol

  5. I , I'm looking for this old post :Iggy Pop @ Austin, TX 1981-11-13, could you reup this one? Thanks

    1. I can help with this one (3 day link) hope you pick it up this weekend...

  6. And also this one:Iggy Pop @ NYC 1988-07-20 (FM) many thanks for your work

  7. Hi, tried to send a mail, but could not find a way to do it, so I am commenting here. Could you repost the following show: Carl Perkins + Juice Newton @ Whisky A Go Go 1978-09-28
    (oiriginally posted September 28, 2023).
    Would be much appreciated. Thanks!!

    1. 3 day link

    2. wow that was fast. I am too happy I found this posting. thx from the bottom of my heart, as they say in the us. you made a big carl perkins fan and musician very happy. These live snippets are also a great inspiration and CP is not a very heavily bootlegged artist, so it's damn fine when something more unusual gets shared.

      I also want to respond in regards to the trouble you are dealing right now with all the material/storage/organisation. You already mentioned the keyword and seem to ve very aware of the actual solution, that does not suit my taste either. But I have been at that point earlier this year and had to make the decision to even delete a big part of Clapton/Beatles live stuff and other outtakes, as it all got so much, that it would take numerous lifetimes to enjoy or even analyse the material. Being more picky in first place is key, just like they do it in archives (havin a certain focus, rest is irrelevant and needs to be covered/collected by others/eith other "responsebilities"). and even the stuff of artists of interest need to be valued to a certain degree (after some criteria such as "everything", "certain era", "certain line ups" etc.). Yeah, it is tough...All the best!

  8. i download a lot of stuff i will never listen to

  9. I , I'm looking for this old post Iggy Pop @ NYC 1988-07-20 (FM)

  10. "The fact that I am the only one who makes a note of this just confirms most of us are mindlessly feeding the OCD monkey clicking and downloading anything to file away in case they find a cure for death and want something to listen to in 500 years. "

    Thanks for this, love your sense of humor.

  11. Free bus and train service in LA!

    1. With nowhere to go! Looks like a lot of events have been canceled.

  12. any chance you have any brian jonestown massacre from the 1990s? early los angeles shows? thanks

    1. Nothing at all, never really listened. Saw 1 show much later and it was terrible.

    2. I have 5 shows from the 90’s. All are Lossy. If ijwthstd is interested I’ll upload them

  13. I am hoping your Las Vegas connection will be recording and sharing one of the upcoming Bryan Adams shows. I was supposed to fly out for a show but have had a medical setback. Thx.

    1. I hope so too though it's likely not something he would buy tickets for but always other options could come thru for him

  14. Could you repost the following show?: Slipknot @ The Glass House 2000-05-13 (oiriginally posted May 13, 2024)

  15. what are the shows you cant release?

    1. Not even going to mention, not really even my recording, just something I assisted in making and patched in in the process...


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