Sun Ra with Dave Alvin at Club Lingerie 1985

 A 6 hour Sun Ra show! I might have heard it all by now, I tend to play it laying in a bed waiting for the melatonin to kick in

got it off Dime

I finally feel it's ok to share this one as it seems many of the Ra hardcore have this. But I know a lot don't and it definitely deserves to get out. 35 years ago.
Great sound, a well balanced mix and some nice performances over 6 hours!

Sun Ra and His Jet Set Omniverse Arkestra
with Special Guest Phil Alvin
Club Lingerie (likely)
Los Angeles, CA
13 and 14 December 1985 (likely)
unknown soundboard source>?>flac

total time 361:12

Set 1
t01_Untitled Improvisation (inf-d, drums)
t02_History Mystery / I Have Many Names / I Am Sin
t03_Discipline 27-II / You've Lost Your Way / Imagination / Somewhere There
t04_Untitled Improvisation
t05_Unidentified Ballad (p, eg, as)
t06_Big John Special
t07_Lights On A Satellite
t08_Prelude To A Kiss
t09_Standard Composition
t10_Mack The Knife

Set 2
t01_Never Never Land / The Sun Is On His Way / Door To The Cosmos
t02_Discipline 27
t03_Nuclear War
t04_Prelude To A Kiss
t05_Unidentified Blues
t06_Limehouse Blues
t07_I Dream Too Much
t08_Shadow World
t09_East Of The Sun
t10_Brother Can You Spare A Dime (P. Alvin - Vocals)
t11_Yeah Man!
t12_They Plan To Leave (fades)

Set 3
t01_Phil Alvin Tune
t02_Phil Alvin Tune
t03_Phil Alvin Tune

t04_Unidentified Improvisation (inf-d; then b, tb, fl featured in rythmic bass line)
t05_A Lost Horizon
t06_Discipline 27-II / Imagination / Somewhere There / I'll Wait For You
t07_Nuclear War
t08_Standard Composition
t09_Queer Notions
t10_Love In Outer Space
t11_Unidentified Improvisation (Drum Solo)
t12_Over The Rainbow
t13_Space Is The Place / We Travel The Spaceways / Rocket Number Nine

Set 4
t01_Captain Smith (P. Alvin - Vocals)
t02_Peety Wheat Straw (P. Alvin - Vocals)

t03_Untitled Improvisation
t04_Tapestry From An Asteroid
t05_Discipline 27-II / Children Of The Sun
t06_I Have Many Names / I Am Sin
t07_East Of The Sun
t08_Limehouse Blues
t09_Prelude To A Kiss (Fades Out)
t10_Queer Notions (Fades In)
t11_Unidentified Blues
t12_Ellington Tune
t13_Brother Can You Spare A Dime (P. Alvin - Vocals)
t14_Yeah Man!
t15_Space Is The Place / We Travel The Spaceways / Rocket Number Nine /
Second Stop Is Jupiter / Outer Spaceways Inc. / Saturn Rings /
Neptune / Sea Of Immortality / On Jupiter
t16_I Want To Be Happy

Set 5
t01_Prelude To A Kiss
t02_Shadow World
t03_Sunset On The Nile
t04_I Dream Too Much

This has circulated quietly for at least 15 years. I have 4-5 different versions including this one. This is tied for longest copy and wins for best organized. I think set 5 belongs elsewhere in the order here but I can't say where.
Some solo Alvin tunes, and a few with the Arkestra.
NONE of this has been officially released.
Word has always been 1985 for the date and then a few years back the ad (enclosed) turned up. I can't imagine there was another 2 night stand with Alvin. But if anyone has more input please advise!

Sun Ra and His Arkestra - The Alvin Tapes

 part 1:
 part 2:


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