Back On Friday
I guess this means I will be back on Friday with any new transfers I might have done. Which ain't much. * * * * I will be back next Friday with at least the uncompleted projects I was trying to get up the other day. I didn't go to a single show in the last week period. I have a bunch on my calendar but other than the Prima Donna show I bought a ticket for, who knows what I will end up hitting. I just got a text from the dearly neglected saying "we should go see Billie Eilish" but I think she was one and done for me at least until she hits the corndog circuit. I might take her down there, find her a ticket and turn her loose inside like I did for the Foo Fighters Santa Barbara show but not spending "real money" on my ticket. I also notice stuff on the blog disappearing beneath the fold - when you click "more posts" at the bottom of the first page, it cuts out a huge chunk of content. Like 6-10 entries. I tried changing the amount of posts per ...