Faith No More @ Libourne, France 1990-08-31 (The Lyon Tapes Collection)
Libourne (France)
August 31, 1990
The Lyon Tapes Collection (Vomume 25)
1st generation K7 (no dolby) from DAT master > SB live > Adobe audition (acquisition) > Wav > Adobe audition (denoising editing) > Wav > Flac Frontend (level 8)
01 From Out Of Nowhere
02 Introduce Yourself
03 The Real Thing / Underwater Love
04 Zombie Eaters
05 Edge Of The World
06 Chinese Arithmetic
07 We Care A Lot
08 Sweet Dreams (Nestle Song)/Surprise ! You're Dead!
09 Epic
10 Woodpecker From Mars
11 War Pigs
11 separate tracks
total time: 62'26"
This is the 25th upload of my concerts collection recorded in Lyon and somewhere in France between 1982-1990.
Faith No More were recorded for Radio France Bordeaux-Gironde (DJ José Ruiz) in a summer festival helded in Libourne (30 km east Bordeaux).
It's a pre-FM recording.
I know very well Jose Ruiz and i made a copy K7, 15 years ago cause i came regulary to Bordeaux which is my native city.
The FNM show was a complete independant mixing recordind with the mobile studio of RFBG. I think they don't used enough ambiance mikes...
but the sound is veary clear (too much for me...)
sorry, no atwork
Enjoy it all FAITH NO MORE fans !!!
faith no more are always great