Just One Quick Note
I am planning on how much I want to put in my newest maybe soon or maybe not to be posted status update. I did make a comment alluding to some life altering crisis in the Iggy post a few weeks back which is now at worst only a Defcon5 inconvenience. Might end up staying where I am with a significant rent increase or might end up without a real home at the level to which I am accustomed but will still be safe and secure wherever I end up. Donations not needed or wanted. But if circumstances disrupted several straight months of massive anniversary posts with lots of new transfers, I am not even reading the repost requests that are still coming in regularly. But part of the point in putting so much stuff up as fast I can and just moving on is that we can no longer even pretend I am the only one who has it which is why I mostly ignored them without reading. If there is a dead link for something you absolutely must have, then just please find someone else who has it. Hopefully I can f...